인성크로마텍 로고

퀵메뉴 펼침


곰팡이 독소(Mycotoxin) ELISA 키트
제품명: 곰팡이 독소(Mycotoxin) ELISA 키트
용도: Mycotoxin ELISA Kit
메이커: Hygiena International
카달로그: 다운로드


Mycotoxin ELISA Kit     곰팡이 독소 ELISA 키트  

Mycotoxin Kit.PNG



•  Rapid and highly sensitive kits

•  Cost-effective and user-friendly tests

•  Results in 30 - 90minutes

•  One year stability and reproducibility of results

•  Easy to follow instructions

•  Color-coded reagents in convenient, easy to use vials

•  No clean up column required 


Mycotoxins are toxic substances naturally produced by fungi (molds) that may contaminate agricultural commodities. They pose health hazards to humans and animals, affecting an estimated 25% of the world’s crops. Mycotoxins are most likely to occur in grain or feed grown when environmental conditions of temperature and humidity are favorable for the growth of specific fungi. Some fungi favor heat, high moisture, and humidity; while others favor cool, wet climates. Most toxic fungi attack plants in the field, while some others proliferate in grain or feed during storage. These fungi result in a variety of dangerous mycotoxins, some of which are known carcinogens.


More than 100 countries have established regulations for mycotoxins in food and feed. A good quality management program requires a fast decision whether goods fulfill their quality criteria, by quick analysis to draw these conclusions. Rapid test kits are an essential and efficient tool for determining the level of mycotoxins in a sample. Hygiena offers competitive enzyme-linked immunoassays intended for the quantitative detection of mycotoxins in feed, grain, nuts, and grain by-products.



   실험 과정(Assay Procedures) 

분석과정 1.PNG 

분석과정 2.PNG

