인성크로마텍 로고

퀵메뉴 펼침


Anthocyanins Assay Kit
제품명: Anthocyanins Assay Kit
용도: Total Antioxidant Polyphenols
메이커: Bio Quochem
카달로그: 다운로드



Anthocyanins Assay Kit



제품 소개

Anthocyanins represent the most important group of water-soluble pigments detectable by the human eye in the plant kingdom. These pigments are responsible for the blue, purple, and red color of many plant tissues. Anthocyanins have important functions in plant physiology as well as possible health effects thanks to their antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.


Anthocyanins are phenolic compounds belonging to the family of flavonoids. Anthocyanins are the glycosylated forms of anthocyanidins, which are polyhydroxy (-OH) or polymethoxy (-OCH 3) derivatives of the flavylium cation (2-phenylbenzopyrilium ion). Glycosylation (attachment of sugar moieties) of anthocyanidins can occur at different positions of the molecule with the 3 positions being dominant. The glycosylation of flavonoids increases their solubility and stability in plants.


The antioxidant activity of anthocyanins depends on their chemical structure: number and position of the hydroxyl groups and the conjugated double bonds, as well as on the presence of electron donors in the structural ring.


BQC Anthocyanins Assay Kit is an easy, fast, and reliable method for detecting anthocyanins in food, beverages, and plant samples.





분석 원리(Assay Principle)


Anthocyanin pigmentation is largely due to the positive charge on the C ring of the molecule, but this charge is pH dependent. At a pH of 1.0, the C ring is positively charged, and the molecule is pigmented. At pH values 4.5 and higher the positive charge is neutralized, and anthocyanin molecules become colorless. At a pH of 1.0 anthocyanins strongly absorb light between 460 and 550 nm with an absorption maximum at about 510 nm.


The BQC Anthocyanins Assay Kit determine the anthocyanin concentration by measuring the absorbance at 510 nm after sample acidification. Turbidity (haze) is corrected by measuring the absorbance at 700 nm. 










KB03015-100       Anthocyanins Assay Kit         100 test 

KB03015-200       Anthocyanins Assay Kit         200 test 

KB03015-400       Anthocyanins Assay Kit         400 test 




