인성크로마텍 로고

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Enzymes for Agriculture, Biomass, and Biofuels
제품명: Enzymes for Agriculture, Biomass, and Biofuels
용도: For Industrial Use
메이커: Creative Enzymes



Agriculture, Biomass, and Biofuels       Enzymes for Industrial Use


Enzymes have great potentials in agriculture, biomass processing, and biofuels production. In fact, some enzymes have already brought more effectiveness while doing less harm to the environment, compared to the more traditional chemical processes. Nowadays, more and more enzymes are used to improve productivity of agriculture, enhance biofuel quality, and enable economic biomass conversion. Creative Enzymes has full range of products for these applications and is open to potential co-development of new products.

•  Unique product profile

•  Demonstrated quality and efficiency

•  Mass production and long-term supply


Agriculture and Biofuels

The use of enzymes in arable agriculture and biofuels is able to relief the purssure of farming and fossil energy. Therefore, new enzyme preparations are constantly being developed. Our competitive products were developed to meet the most challenging industrial processes. 


Cat. No. Product Name Application
AGT-2911 Enzyme as soil nutrient As a stand-alone soil nutrient or as an additive mixed with other fertilizers such as hydrolyzed fish.
AGT-2912 Enzyme blend for solid waste to produce compost Treat solid waste to produce compost
ASE-3106 Enzyme blend for Fuel Alcohol Fuel Alcohol production
NATE-0399 Native Candida rugosa Lipase Biodiesel production
ASE-3110 Glucoamylase for fuel-alcohol Fuel Alcohol production
NATE-1713 Bilirubin oxidase from Microorganism Biofuel cell production




Biomss is the word richest source which has never been effectively utilized. Enzymes can be used to degrade biomass and nutritions and industrial raw materials. We developed industrial enzymes to help with biomass degradation and remediation. Ligninases, including some laccases and peroxidases, loosen the strong crosslinks among biomass fibers and make them easier for later processing. Cellulases and hemicellulases further hydrolyze the side chains and long fibers into short fibers, which are then converted into valuable materials after a few quick steps.


Cat. No. Product Name
NATE-1021 Native Laccase from White rot fungi
NATE-0118 Native Aspergillus niger Cellulase
NATE-1579 Native Lignin Peroxidase from Phanerochaete chrysosporium
NATE-0370 Native Agaricus bisporus Laccase
GRAIN-2515 Bacterial hemicellulase