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Protein Folding Columns for Folding Membrane Proteins
제품명: Protein Folding Columns for Folding Membrane Proteins
메이커: ProFoldin




Protein Folding Columns for Folding Membrane Proteins





1.  Spin-column Membrane Protein Folding Screen Kit

The Spin-column Membrane Protein Folding Kit is designed for folding membrane proteins from inclusion bodies produced in the cells during protein over-expression. The kit includes 20 protein folding spin columns representing 20 different conditions with various detergents and lipids that form micelles or bicelles. The micellar or bicellar environments facilitate folding receptors, ion channels and other membrane proteins. 

The folded protein samples from the screen kit are used for SDS-PAGE and activity tests. Based on the test results, the optimal condition (the column number) is selected for preparative folding. The Large-scale Membrane Preparative Protein Folding Column Set (MFC01 to MFC20) is for folding of 10 to 20 mg of denatured membrane proteins.





Protein Folding Columns for Folding Membrane Proteins.PNG






Spin-column Membrane Protein Folding Screen Kit (Catalog No. MFC01-20) 

Contains 0.16 ml Reagent A, 0.16 ml Reagent B, 1.1 ml Reagent C, 20 spin columns.







2.  Preparative Membrane Protein Folding Column Set


The Preparative Membrane Protein Folding Column Sets are used for preparative membrane protein folding after the folding condition has been identified by the Spin-column Membrane Protein Folding Screen Kit (Catalog # MFC01-20). The column number represents the specific folding condition. 

Each Column Set includes 4 identical preparative protein folding columns and reagents for folding about 5 mg of urea-solubilized inclusion body proteins.




Preparative Membrane Protein Folding Column Set (Catalog No. MFC01 to MFC20)

Contains 5.4 ml Reagent A or Reagent B, 8.4 ml Reagent C, 14.4 ml Solution S, and 20 spin columns.