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Gyrase DNA Supercoiling Assay Kit
제품명: Gyrase DNA Supercoiling Assay Kit
용도: Drug Target and Enzyme Assays
메이커: ProFoldin
카달로그: 다운로드




Gyrase DNA supercoiling assays


Drug Target and Enzyme Assays



DNA topoisomerases such as bacterial topoisomerase II (gyrase) convert relaxed circular DNA into supercoiled DNA (DNA supercoiling reaction). 

The DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay is based on the principle that the supercoiled DNA and relaxed DNA yield different fluorescent intensity when interact with fluorescence dye H19. The relaxed DNA suppresses the fluorescent intensity much more than the supercoiled DNA in the presence of magnesium. Therefore, when the relaxed DNA is converted into its supercoiled form, the fluorescent signal increases. The change of fluorescence intensity is used to measure the supercoiling reaction of gyrases and high throughput screen of gyrase inhibitors.




Gyrase DNA supercoiling assays.PNG





E. coli DNA Topoisomerase II (Gyrase) Assay Kit Plus-100 (Catalog No. DSA100KE)

Kit components: 600μl 10 x Buffer T2, 405μl 10 x relaxed DNA, 20μl 1500 x H19 dye, 450μl 10x ATP, 3000μl 10 x H19 dilution buffer, 50μl 100 x E.coli gyrase. 

It is for 100 assays in a 96-well plate format.




S. aureus Gyrase DNA Supercoiling Assay Kit Plus (Catalog No. DSA020KSE)

Kit components: 160μl 10 x Buffer T2, 180μl 2 M KGlu, 84μl 10 x relaxed DNA, 6μl 1500 x H19 dye, 90μl 10 x ATP, 550μl 10 x H19 dilution buffer, 10μl 100 x S. aureus gyrase. 

It is for 20 assays in a 96-well plate format.



S. aureus Gyrase DNA Supercoiling Assay Plus-100 (Catalog No. DSA100KSE)

Kit components: 500μl 10 x Buffer T2, 820μl 2 M KGlu, 405μl 10 x relaxed DNA, 20μl 1500 x H19 dye, 450μl 10 x ATP, 3000μl 10 x H19 dilution buffer, 43μl 100 x S. aureus gyrase. 

It is for 100 assays in a 96-well plate format.


P. aeruginosa Gyrase DNA Supercoiling Assay Plus-100 (Catalog No. DSA100KPE)

Kit components: 600μl 10 x Buffer T2, 40μl 10 x relaxed DNA, 20μl 1500 x H19 dye, 450μl 10 x ATP, 3000μl 10 x H19 dilution buffer, 45μl 100 x P. aeruginosa gyrase. 

It is for 100 assays in a 96-well plate format.