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[SPE/QuEchERS] 환경 시료 전처리 어플리케이션 (Environmental Sample Prep. Apps.)
Date : 2020.08.03
분류 : Analytical Products > UCT


Environmental Sample Preparation Applications Using SPE/QuEchERS 


No. Title
1   A Determination of Veterinary Drug Residues in Milk Using Polymeric SPE and UHPLC-MS/MS Analysis
2   A Modified QuEChERS Method for the Determination of Organochlorine Pesticidesin Serum
3   A Novel, Versatile Polymeric Sorbent for Solid Phase Extraction of Various Organic Compounds in Water
4   Acrylamide by QuEChERS Extraction with LC/MS/MS Detection
5   An Optimized Solid Phase Extraction Procedure for EPA Method 8081 and 8082 Analytes in Water
6   Analysis of 136 pesticides in avocado using a modified QuEChERS method with LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS

  Analysis of 47 Pesticides in Cannabis for High-Throughput Analysis: Traditional dSPEvs. Positive Pressure dSPE 

  in a 96 Well Plate

8   Analysis of Cannabinoids in Hemp using QuEChERS Extraction, SpinFiltr™ dSPE Cleanup and LC-MS/MS Detection
9   Analysis of Cyromazine in Poultry Feed Using a QuEChERS Approach
10   Analysis of Glyphosate and Glufosinate by Solid-Phase Anion Exchange Extraction with GC/MS or LC/MS Analysis

  Analysis of Glyphosate, Glufosinate and Metabolites Using UCT’s Enviro-Clean® Glyphosate Push-Thru 

  Purification Cartridge


  Analysis of Pesticide Residues, Mycotoxins & Potency in Cannabis Plant using  QuEChERS Extraction, 

  ChloroFiltr® dSPE Cleanup and LC-MS/MS Detection

13   Analysis of Tobacco Alkaloids
14   ChloroFiltr: A Novel Sorbent for Chlorophyll Removal Using QuEChERS
15   Clean-Up of Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB Extracts Using FLORISIL®
16   Clean-up Procedure for Organochlorine Pesticides and PCB Extracts Using Florisil® Columns
17   Detection of Aflatoxins in Milk at Picogram Levels Using SPE and LC-MS/MS
18   Determination of 35 Pesticides and 3 Cannabinoids in Marijuana Edibles
19   Determination of Diquat and Paraquat in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction and LC-MS/MS Detection

  Determination of Hormones in Water by Solid-Phase Extraction (SPE) and Liquid Chromatography 

  – Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)*

21   Determination of Neonicotinoids in Honey by QuEChERS and UHPLC-MS/MS

  Determination of Organophosphate Pesticides in Urine Using a ‘Filter And Shoot’ (FASt®) Extraction and 


23   Determination of Patulin in Apple Juice Using SPE and UHPLC-MS/MS Analysis

  Determination of Pesticide Residues in Blueberries by AOAC QuEChERS Approach and Dispersive SPE Cleanup 

  with a Novel Sorbent ChloroFiltr®

25   Determination of Pesticide Residues in Tea: An AOAC Collaborative Study

  Determination of Pesticides in Strawberries by QuEChERS Extraction, Quick QuEChERS Clean-up, and GC/MS 


27   Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Seafood Using GC/MS
28   EPA Method 1664B- Oil and Grease- Hexane Extractable Material (HEM)
29   EPA Method 1694: Analysis of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water

  EPA Method 506-Determination of Phthalate and Adipate Esters in Drinking Water byLiquid-Solid Extraction and 

  Gas Chromatography with Photoionization Detection

31   EPA Method 508.1 Rev 2.0- Chlorinated Pesticides, Herbicides, and Organohalides

  EPA Method 509- Determination of Ethylene Thiourea (ETU) in Water Using GasChromatography with 

  a Nitrogen-Phoshorus Detector

33   EPA Method 521-Determination of Nitrosamines in Drinking Water
34   EPA Method 522-Determination of 1,4-Dioxane in Drinking Water by Solid PhaseExtraction (SPE) and GC/MS

  EPA Method 523: Determination of Triazine Pesticides and their Degradates in Drinking Water by 

  Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)


  EPA Method 525.2- Determination of Organic Compounds in Drinking Water byLiquid-Solid Extraction and 

  Capillary Column Gas Chromatography/MassSpectrometry


  EPA Method 525.3-Semivolatile Organic Compounds In Drinking Water By Solid-Phase Extraction And 

  Capillary Column (GC/MS)

38   EPA Method 528- Determination of Phenols in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction and GC/MS Detection
39   EPA Method 529- Determination of Explosives in Drinking Water by Solid PhaseExtraction and GC/MS Detection
40   EPA Method 530: Determination of Selected Semivolatile Organic Chemicals in Drinking Water by SPE and GC/MS

  EPA Method 532-Determination of Phenylurea Compounds In Drinking Water BySolid-Phase Extraction And 

  High Performance Liquid Chromatography With UV Detection

42   EPA Method 535- Measurement of Chloroacetanilide and Other Acetamide Herbicide Degradates

  EPA Method 537-Determination of Selected Perfluorinated Alkyl Acids in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction 

  and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem MassSpectrometry (LC-MS/MS)


  EPA Method 538: Determination of Selected Organic Contaminants in Drinking Water by Aqueous Direct Injection 

  and LC/MS/MS


  EPA Method 541-Determination of Small Polar Organic Compounds in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction 

  with Activated Carbon Sorbent

46   EPA Method 544: Determination of Microcystins and Nodularin in Drinking Water by SPE and LC-MS/MS Detection

  EPA Method 545: Determination of Cylindrospermopsin and Anatoxin-a in Drinking Water by Aqueous Direct 

  Injection and LC/MS/MS


  EPA Method 548.1-Determination of Endothall in Drinking Water by Ion-Exchange Extraction, Acid Methanol 

  Methylation and Gas Chromatography/MassSpectrometry


  EPA Method 549.2-Determination of Diquat and Paraquat in Drinking Water by Liquid-Solid Extraction and 

  High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detection


  EPA Method 550.1-Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Drinking Water by Liquid-Solid 

  Extraction and HPLC with Coupled Ultraviolet andFluorescence Detection

51   EPA Method 552.1-Determination of Haloacetic Acids and Dalapon in Drinking Water by SPE and GC/ECD

  EPA Method 553-Determination of Benzidines and Nitrogen-Containing Pesticides in Water Liquid-Solid Extraction 

  And Reverse Phase High Performance LiquidChromatography/Particle Beam/Mass Spectrometry


  EPA Method 608 ATP- Alternative Test Procedure for the Measurement of Organochlorine Pesticides and 

  Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Waste Water

54   EPA Method 625.1- Determination of Bases, Neutrals and Acids by Solid Phase Extraction and GC/MS Detection
55   EPA Method 8015D-Determination of Diesel Range Organics (DROs) Using SPE and GC/FID

  EPA Method 8141B- Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticides and Triazine Herbicides in Water by 

  Solid Phase Extraction


  EPA Method 8270- Determination of Semi-volatile Organic Compounds in Water using Solid Phase Extraction 

  and GC/MS

58   EPA Method 8310: Solid Phase Extraction of Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Water
59   EPA Method 8315A-Determination Of Carbonyl Compounds In Water By DNPH Derivatization and HPLC/UV

  EPA Method 8321B: Determination of Phenoxyacid Herbicides in Water by Solid Phase Extraction and 

  LC-MS/MS Detection


  EPA Method 8323- Solid-Phase Extraction and Determination of Organotin by Micro-Liquid Chromatography 

  Electrospray Ion Trap MS


  EPA Method 8330B- Analysis of Nitroaromatics, Nitramines, and Nitrate Ester Compounds-Explosive and 

  Explosive Residue Compounds

63   Extraction and Analysis of Nicotine, Cotinine and Anabasine from Urine using SPE and GC-MS
64   Extraction of Pesticides from Tomato Using the QuEChERS Approach
65   Extraction of Pyrethrin and Pyrethroid Pesticides from Fish Using the QuEChERS Approach
66   Fractionation of Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using Enviro-Clean® TPH Silica
67   Fractionation of Aliphatic and Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Petroleum Extracts
68   Improved Hydrocarbon Fractionation Using a Novel Silver-Phase SPE Sorbent
69   Ion Exchange Sorbents for Metals Extraction-Analysis & Sorbent Use Selection Guide
70   Multiresidue Analysis in Cereal Grains Using Modified QuEChERS Method with UPLC-MS/MS and GC-TOFMS
71   Optimization of Sample Preparation for Pesticide Analysis in Oil-Based Cannabis Products using LipiFiltr®
72   Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls by Solid-Phase Extraction
73   Per-and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in Drinking Water Using Solid-Phase Extraction and LC-MS/MS
74   Potency and Pesticide Content in Medical vs. Recreational Marijuana
75   QuEChERS Analysis of Miticides and Other Agrochemicals in Honey Bees, Wax or Pollen
76   QuEChERS Extraction and Clean-Up of Pesticides from Olive Oil
77   Removal of Sulfur from Environmental Samples Using Copper Beads
78   Scaled Down EPA Methods 8270 and 625
79   Solid-Phase Extraction of Pesticides in Water using Graphitized Carbon Black (GCB)

  Streamlined Method for the Determination of More Than 100 Veterinary Drugs in Animal Tissue Using 

  Dispersive- SPE Clean-up and LC- MS/MS Detection

81   TrichotheceneType A & B Analysis in Wheat and Corn Using the QuEChERS Approach
82   Usinga QuEChERS Approach for the Determination of Pesticide Residues in Soil



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